I started this blog a while back and forgot about it. just like any other journal i have started. i start things and don't finish. or i have a hard time starting. it's a comedy. well, not really. a tragedy. i once finally tore out the first few pages of every journal that i had started and just put them all in a box- i then had about 30 new blank journals and a box full of 30 pages that said the same first line..." i always start a journal and never keep up with it, so let's see what happens." repeat, repeat. pathetic.
oh well. it gives my family a trait to make fun of me for. really, i dont know what's more annoying- the fact that i tend to procrastinate, or how many times i have to hear about being a procrastinator. aha. maybe i should be annoyed to the point of changing. i never really do well with negative motivation, however.
HERE is another one i started and never finished, with my ridiculous stating of the obvious again.
so with this blog, as i update i also have started to back-track through my files of photos and post with past dates. REmembering and REcollecting. whatever works.
this current photo- layna falls fast asleep while sucking on scott's arm. this was a few days ago. tonight we video'ed her as she sat on his lap like this again and fell asleep. we only caught the end of it, but it was much like when you're falling asleep on the train or the plane- the head sloooowwwwlllyy.......drops and then quickly back up......slowwwwdropand back up.....
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