layna's cute little footsies. i nibble on them daily. they almost taste as good as her role-y pole-y chunkie wrists.
today she is 5 months old...
and layna, some of my favorite things about you...
*those marshmallow-y wrists
*the singing to the fan
*the singing on the walks
*singing and dancing and the chuckle that it brings you
*that chuckle, oh, that heart melting, infectious chuckle
*speaking of heart melting- that smile, the one you give when you're welcomed "good morning!", the sort of crooked grin with a look of love in it
*the way you stare at me while i'm doing something simple, like brushing my hair, or changing your diaper- jaw dropped, eyes wide, slow blinks- as if you're in total amazement and awe, and when i catch you looking- when our eyes meet- you give me that sweet smile...
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